The story begins somewhere in the past.
At the close of 1950s German migrant Barossa Valleyan history was born after two Austrian sisters, a loner.
Known as Robert Oster, that boy never left the man. Inventing a private world where color and imagination were king and queen.
That has never changed. Color - the enduring king - and imagination, its queen - live on.
Robert Oster Signature® color collection, both in Fountain Pen Ink and™ products, embodies the ethics, the imagination and the very heart and soul of the maker.
It is virtually impossible to speak of the brand without this living reference to he himself. He is the brand. The brand is him.
What you see is what you get... an under- promised product and an over-delivered experience.
From the start, the mantra has been:
“To exceed every expectation at every opportunity.”
We hope we have achieved that in your experience.